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منصة الآمال
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#53 - Finish Flex Froggy Game
متطلبات الإكمال
التأشير بأنه منجز
► #52 - Flex Box Child - Align Self, Games, Task
الانتقال إلى...
الانتقال إلى...
01 - Introduction And What I Need To Learn
#35 - Pseudo Elements - First Letter, First Line, Selection
#36 - Pseudo Elements - Before, After, Content
#37 - Pseudo Elements - Content And Trainings
#38 - Vendor Prefixes
#39 - Border Radius
#40 - Box Shadow And Examples
#41 - The Box Model And Box Sizing
#42 - Transition
#43 - !Important Declaration And Use Cases
#44 - The Margin Collapse
#45 - CSS Variables And Trainings
#46 - Flex Box Parent - Direction, Wrap, Flow
#47 - Flex Box Parent - Justify Content
#48 - Flex Box Parent - Align Items
#49 - Flex Box Parent - Align Content
#50 - Flex Box Child - Grow, Shrink, Order
#51 - Flex Box Child - Flex Basis, Flex Shorthand
#52 - Flex Box Child - Align Self, Games, Task
#54 - Filters
#55 - Gradients
#56 - Pointer Events And Caret Color
#57 - Grid - Parent - Template Columns
#58 - Grid - Parent - Template Rows And Gap
#59 - Grid - Parent - Justify Content And Align Content
#60 - Grid - Parent - Complete Layout With Template Areas
#61 - Grid - Child - Grid Column And Grid Row
#62 - Grid - Child - Grid Area And Trainings
#63 - Grid - Min, Max And Auto Fill
#64 - Finish The Grid Garden Game
#65 - 2D Transform - Scale
#66 - 2D Transform - Rotate
#67 - 2D Transform - Translate
#68 - 2D Transform - Skew
#69 - 2D Transform - Matrix
#70 - Transform - Origin
#71 - 3D Transform - Rotate
#72 - 3D Transform - Translate, Perspective, Perspective Origin
#73 - 3D Transform - Backface Visibility And Flip Product
#74 - Animation - KeyFrames, Name, Duration
#75 - Animation - Iteration Count, Timing Function, Spinner Loading
#76 - Animation - Direction, Fill Mode, Play State, Delay
#77 - Up And Down Loading Animation Training
#78 - CSS Selectors Reference Part 1
#79 - CSS Selectors Reference Part 2
#80 - CSS Selectors Reference Part 3
#81 - CSS Selectors Reference Part 4
#82 - CSS Selectors Reference Part 5
#83 - Media Queries And Responsive Designs Intro
#84 - Media Queries And Responsive Designs Standards
#85 - Media Queries And Responsive Designs Practice
#86 - Create Your Framework
#87 - CSS Global Values
#88 - The End And How To Master HTML And CSS
#54 - Filters ◄
منصة الآمال
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