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12 المقررات الدراسية


Mental and Physical Health

A clear distinction is often made between 'mind' and 'body'. But when considering mental health and physical health, the two should not be thought of as separate.

Poor physical health can lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems. Similarly, poor mental health can negatively impact on physical health, leading to an increased risk of some conditions.

Since the founding of the NHS in 1948, physical care and mental health care have largely been disconnected. There is an increasing call on healthcare professionals to consider psychological wellbeing when treating the physical symptoms of a condition and vice versa. 

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    Social and Personality Psychology

    this course is about Personality Psychology

    On the night of February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school student, was shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, in a predominantly White neighborhood. Zimmerman grew suspicious of the boy dressed in a hoodie and pursued Martin. A physical altercation ended with Zimmerman fatally shooting Martin. Zimmerman claimed that he acted in self-defense. Martin was unarmed, and after his death, there was a nationwide outcry. A Florida jury found Zimmerman not guilty of second degree murder nor of manslaughter. George Zimmerman was a resident in the housing complex, not on the job, when the shooting occurred. There have also been tragic situations with deadly consequences in which police officers have 

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    Developmental Psychology

    The summer sun shines brightly on a deserted stretch of beach. Suddenly, a tiny grey head emerges from the sand, then another and another. Soon the beach is teeming with loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings (Figure 1). Although only minutes old, the hatchlings know exactly what to do. Their flippers are not very efficient for moving across the hot sand, yet they continue onward, instinctively. Some are quickly snapped up by gulls circling overhead and others become lunch for hungry ghost crabs that dart out of their holes. Despite these dangers, the hatchlings are driven to leave the safety of their nest and find the ocean.

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    Cognitive Psychology II

    This course will provide an overview of how sensory information is received and processed by the nervous system and how that affects our conscious experience of the world. We begin by learning the distinction between sensation and perception. Then we consider the physical properties of light and sound stimuli, along with an overview of the basic structure and function of the major sensory systems. The course will close with a discussion of a historically important theory of perception called the Gestalt theory. This theory attempts to explain some underlying principles of perception.

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    Biological Psychology

    This course strives to explain the biological mechanisms that underlie behavior. These physiological and anatomical foundations are the basis for many areas of psychology. In this course, you will learn how genetics influence both physiological and psychological traits. You will become familiar with the structure and function of the nervous system, learn how the nervous system interacts with the endocrine system, and understand the nature vs. nurture debate.

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     DNA Transcription and Translation

    DNA Structure and Replication

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    Cognitive Psychology

    • Memory
    • Thinking and Intelligence
    • Sensation and Perception

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    Cell Division

    • Understand chromosome structure and organization in eukaryotic cells
    • Identify the stages of the cell cycle, by picture and by description of major milestones
    • Identify and explain the important checkpoints that a cell passes through during the cell cycle
    • Identify the stages of meiosis by picture and by description of major milestones; explain why meiosis involves two rounds of nuclear division
    • Describe and explain a range of mechanisms for generating genetic diversity
    • Examine karyotypes and identify the effects of significant changes in chromosome number

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    Geology I

    This survey course covers the fundamentals of geology and earth science, helping students understand how the Earth was formed and the forces shaping its continued evolution. It also introduces students to how geological resources are used in human civilization. Key topics include rock and mineral formation; weathering and soil formation; plate tectonics

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    Chemistry of life

    Chemistry of life Majors and Non-Majors

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    Biology for Majors I

    The first of a two-course sequence, this course provides a strong foundation of the principles of biology for students majoring in the life sciences, medical, and healthcare fields. Primary topics include biochemistry, cellular structure and function, cell membrane and transport, genetics, heredity, the theory of evolution, and modern applications of biology.

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  • معلم: محمد الحسن عبدالله

    Research Mehodology منهجية البحث

    منهجية البحث هي دورة تدريبية تناقش أساسيات وخطوات البحث العلمي ومناهج البحث العلمي

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